Buying a used car is nearly everyone often motivated by financial issues. This may mean that you do not want to use too much on your automobile. Or even that we want to put away and avoid the brutal haircut of new in the first year. In all cases, the incentive is commendable, as long as the used vehicle is chosen meets your prospect.
Is it beneficial?
With the staggering promotions obtainable by a new car, or 0 km car (new cars already registered) agents, one can sometimes wonder if buying second-hand remains attractive.
The answer is yes. On the other hand, because the promotions displayed in large letters on the advertising inserts of agents remain exceptional. And on the other hand, Used cars in el cajon because the option is much less vast than within second-hand advertisements. But buying a used car also has some other benefits. It happens that some new model has general weaknesses, which are only known to the general public after several years of circulation. Take the example of a car that, as normal, has a fragile clutch. If this clutch has a tendency to release after 40,000 km, which is a life far also short for such a part, this information then becomes preponderant. At the time of purchase, you will have this necessary information, and you can ask the seller to present you with a repair invoice or, if necessary, negotiate a substantial discount.
What is the criterion to take into account?
But buying a used car is not done lightly. Just like buying a new car, you require to determine three important criteria: Your budget: the purchase price you want to use on the vehicle itself, but also the cost of insurance (which increases the more recent your vehicle, and the more it goes up market), and the maintenance cost (much higher for a Diesel engine than for a petrol unit).
Your needs:
Do you ride alone, as a couple, or as a family? Will you use a large chest? Modularity? And the options: air conditioning, GPS, reversing radar, driving assistants…
Your journeys:
Depending on whether you are making urban or rural journeys, you will not be interested in the same bodywork or motorization models. Indeed, a city dweller has every interest in opting for a small petrol size, while a “big wheeler” will opt more for a Diesel. Concrete case: Paul, single and childless, is looking for a car to move around Paris, with the traffic and parking problems that this creates. He only needs his car to get to his place of work and has a budget of 8,000 Euros.